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HD Impuls: Diversifying Syllabi
  1. 25.11.2024
  1. 12:00-13:30
Ort: online, Zoom-Link folgt
(Online, Zoom)
Modul: BM/EM Themenfeld: Lehren und Lernen Arbeitseinheiten: 2

In this contribution, two members of the Working Group Antidiscrimination of the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, Universty of Cologne, will provide insights into their experiences with implementing anti-discriminatory measures in teaching. After a general introduction to the working group and its activities, we will focus on a concrete example, namely the diversification of syllabi. Instead of selecting literature of the „usual suspects“, in this approach a conscious effort is made to include a variety of voices and a diverse body of literature in a course syllabus.

Based on literature from, for instance, the field of Library and Information Studies, we will introduce several strategies for diversifying and decolonizing syllabi. After a discussion of the advantages of these strategies and also of some of the difficulties with their implementation, the workshop participants will be invited to reflect on possibilities to apply these strategies in their own course preparations, in ways that are appropriate for their discipline and for the themes of the courses they are teaching.

Intendierte Lernergebnisse:

The participants:

  • can explain why the diversification of syllabi is relevant and important (in general and specifically in their discipline).
  • are familiar with several strategies and methods for diversifying syllabi
  • can apply insights from the impulse contribution to their own teaching preparations
Dr. Gerda Kuiper & Dr. Hauke-Peter Vehrs

Gerda Kuiper is a social and cultural anthropologist based at the University of Cologne, where she teaches disciplinary and interdisciplinary courses. She takes great interest in international cooperation, and is one of the scientific coordinators of the DAAD Global and Environment Center “Future African Savannas”.

Hauke Vehrs is based at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne and has since 2013 worked in several research projects. He currently coordinates the international MA „Culture and Environment and Africa“. His research for the CRC228 in Kenia and Namibia focuses on issues of nature conservation, pastoral and agro-pastoral livelihoods and environmental (in)justice.

The Working Group Antidiscrimination of the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Cologne was founded in 2021 by staff members and students of the institute. The aim of the working group is to actively address and combat various forms of discrimination within the realms of academia, specifically in the areas of studying and teaching. Concrete measures of the working group include the review of content of (introductory) courses, the development of new courses on the theme of decolonization, the creation of an anonymous feedback-box for students, the creation of a user’s notice for the institute library, and the organization of dedicated workshops on the topic of anti-discrimination for institute staff.

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